Sedation Dental is Providing Dentists in Langley, Burnaby and Vancouver

Visit Burnaby & Langley dentists for Sedation Dentistry

Just a mere thought of visiting a dentist gives people goose bumps. If you happen to one of those individuals who have anxiety about undergoing any kind of dental treatment, which could stem from a variety of reasons such as negative past experiences, sensitive teeth, etc., then sedation dentistry provided by Langley dentists could be the best solution for you.

Avoiding the dentist due to unpleasant experiences or fear can prove costly in the longer run as far as the health of teeth is concerned. Sedation dentistry is especially used in such type of cases where patients face anxiety issues while making a visit to the dentist. There are a few Langley and Burnaby dental clinics which offer this kind of treatment with the help of team of highly qualified and experienced dental surgeons.

There are basically four types of sedation dentistry:

Inhalation Sedation, which makes use of a combination of nitrous oxide and oxygen to help provide a feeling of relation to the patient under stress.

Oral Sedation, in which a class of drugs known as benzodiazepines is used for sedation purpose. However, it does not block pain.

IV Sedation, which is a sleep inducing sedation and makes use of sedatives and pain relieving drugs. It is used in complicated dental surgeries.

General Anesthesia, which is a typical anesthetic sedation where the person undergoing the procedure lies unconscious.

Simply visit a qualified and trained dentist in Langley or Burnaby offering sedation dentistry and get rid of your dental problems once and forever.

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This entry was posted on March 7, 2013 by in Burnaby Dental, Health, Langley Dentists and tagged , .
